Automated Forecasts
Always up-to-date
Portfolio Forecaster is a powerful forecasting tool for Jira users that enables you to generate accurate, up-to-date forecasts for your portfolios automatically. Using Monte Carlo simulations leverages your historical project data and risk tolerance to predict timelines and outcomes for any issue type, ensuring smarter, data-driven decisions for your team.
Answer key questions with Portfolio Forecaster 2.0
Predict with Confidence Deliver on Time
Our Monte Carlo Simulations analyze your historical data to predict the likelihood of hitting your target due dates while also providing a forecasted date of when your project is likely to be completed.
Ready to turn uncertainty into actionable insights?

More Options of What to Forecast
Forecasting is no longer limited to epics or versions
Portfolio Forecaster offers flexible configuration settings that let you tailor forecasts to your unique workflows in Jira. With customizable options like JQL filters and flexible issue link choices, you can precisely match how your team operates—no more one-size-fits-all solutions. JQL filters even allow for more precise filtering of specific issue types.
Ready to customize your forecasting like never before?
Boost Collaboration with Forecast Sharing
The enhanced sharing functionality takes collaboration to the next level. In the past, forecasts were siloed and difficult to share, but now group forecasts can be easily shared with anyone in your Jira instance. This ensures that everyone has access to the latest, most accurate information—boosting transparency and keeping your team aligned.
Ready to streamline your collaboration and keep everyone on the same page?

Purchasing Options

Portfolio Forecaster is exclusively available as an app that embeds directly in your Jira Cloud and Data Center.
Currently, Portfolio Forecaster 2.0 is exclusively available on Jira Cloud, and our team is working hard to bring it to Jira Data Center users soon. Don’t miss out on transforming your project forecasting—get started today!

55 Degrees is a Platinum Atlassian Marketplace Partner.

Portfolio Forecaster for Jira participates in Atlassian's security programs and is Cloud Fortified