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Julia Wester
1 min read
How do you use pace percentiles on ActionableAgile's aging chart?
It is inevitable that there are ways that the software creator intends a feature to be used and there are ways that it ends up being used.
Daniel Vacanti
3 min read
Little's Law - Why You Should Care
Without an understanding of what makes Little's Law work, teams are making decisions every day that are in direct contravention of facts.
Daniel Vacanti
2 min read
Other Myths About Little's Law
Prateek Singh and I recorded an episode of our Drunk Agile podcast to go over some Little's Law myths in more detail
Daniel Vacanti
4 min read
How NOT to use Little's Law
Despite what you've heard, Little's Law is not about - and was never designed for - making deterministic forecasts about the future.
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